The Auction is now officially closed Final Results Posted.
Thank You for your support!
Silent Auction will start January 5, 2012 at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time and end promptly Sunday
January 13 at 4PM Eastern Standard Time.
We have added PayPal for your convenience to pay your winning auction lot(s) if you prefer, or you
can also pay by money order or check to VGPGA. If you choose PayPal we ask that you please add $2.00 to your payment
to pay for fees.
Our members would like to thank the Dill family for their permission and support of our auction as well as Ken Desrosiers
from Bigpumpkins.com for his services. There are many growers from our pumpkin community that have donated seeds to our
auction and we are greatly appreciative of their continued support.
Lot #1
Werner's Wonders 2012
1654.5 Werner 2012 (1596 Werner x 1488 Marsh)
1598 Werner 2012 (1466 Jutras x 1488 Marsh)
1455 Werner 2012 (1161 Rodonis x 1421.5 Stelts)
1262.5 Werner 2012 (1560 Urena x 1634 Werner)
1245.5 Werner 2012 (1634 Werner x 1494 Bordsen)
Lot 1
Name: Bob L.
Bid: $150
Lot 2
Name: Turijan L.
Bid: $100 -
Lot #2
Wallace 2012
1623 Wallace 2012 (1278 Goetz '11 x 1725 Harp '09)
1613.5 Wallace 2012 (1647 Wallace '11 x 1807 Stelts
1579 Wallace 2012 (1381 Checkon '10 x 1789 est Wallace
1104 Wallace 2012 (1409 Miller '10 x 1789 est Wallace
Name: Gary V.
Bid: $65
Lot #3
Daletas Dandies 2012(1)
1799.5 Dmg Daletas 2012 (1495 Stelts x 1409 Miller)
1676.5 Daletas 2012 (1381 Checkon x 1495 Stelts)
1531.5 Daletas 2012 (991 Urena x 1381 Checkon)
1512 Daletas 2012 (1303 Sweet x 1495 Stelts)
Name: Gary R.
Bid: $50
Daletas Dandies 2012(2)
1788.5 Dmg Daletas 2012 (1421 Stelts x 1381
1778.5 Daletas 2012 (1596 Werner x 991 Urena)
1521 Daletas 2012 (1476.5 Daletas x 1381
1221 Dmg Daletas 2012 (1409 Miller x 1495
Name: Lewis M.
Bid: $50
Lot #5
Geddes Goodies
1843.5 Geddes 2012 (1140 Finders x 1740 Urena)
1390 Geddes 2012 (883 Carter x 969 Carter)
1276 Geddes 2012 (1203 Shymanski x 912 Carter)
1254 Geddes 2011 (912 Carter x 1203 Shymanski)
Name: Turijan L.
Bid: $40
Lot #6
Magnificent Melons
2 Lots - 4 seeds
207 Mitchell 2012 (255 Mitchell x 267 Edwards)
220 Mitchell 2012 (291 Kent x 267 Edwards)
213 Berry 2012 (255 Mitchell x 165 B. Cantrell)
234 Berry 2011 (255 Mitchell x 291 Kent)
Lot 1
Name: Dave W. Bid: $20
Lot 2
Name: Michael H.
Bid: $15
Lot #7
More Mombo Melons
255 Mitchell 2007 (168 Johnson x 157 Bright)
239.7 Finders 2012 (165 B. Cantrell x self)
154 P. Sweet 2012 (282 Dawson x 291 Kent)
Name: Jake H.
Bid: $30
Woody's Best
2 lots
1756 Lancaster 2012 (1789 Wallace x 1554 Rose)
1649 Lancaster 2012 (1554 Rose x 1789 Wallace)
Lot 1
Name: Brent T
Bid: $80
Lot 2
Name: Daniel F.
Bid: $65
Lot #9
Sweet Treats
1404.5 P. Sweet 2012 (1725 Harp x 1807.5 Stelts)
1113 est P. Sweet 2012 (1789 Wallace x 1807.5
1021.5 P. Sweet 2012 (1676 Checkon x 1725 Harp)
990 uow P. Sweet 2012 (1807.5 Stelts x 1789
Name: Josef S.
Bid: $80
Lot #10
Finders' Finest
1140 Finders 2011 (991 Urena x 1161 Rodonis)
Name: Todd E.
Bid: $65
Lot #11
Pete Sweet Master Gardener Lot 2012
2 lots
1509.5 Giant Pumpkin - 1st place Cooperstown, NY
125.75 Long Gourd - 3rd longest gourd grown in 2012
645 Squash- 1st place Fairfield, CT
161.5 Watermelon - 1st place Topsfield, MA
Field Pumpkin - 1st place Topsfield, MA
Lot 1
Name: Michael H.
Bid: $35
Lot 2
Name:George D.
Bid: $30
Lot #12
Dan's Great Gourds
125 Boyce 2012 (134.5 Johnston-Butler '09 x 124.38 Boyce '11)
4th longest GPC gourd grown in 2012
124.38 Boyce 2011 (106 Johnston-Butler '10 x 115.88 Boyce '09)
120.75 Boyce 2011 (115.88 Boyce '09 x 106 Johnston-Butler '10)
115.88 Boyce 2009 (104.25 Boyce '08 x self)
Name: Turijan L.
Bid: $30
Lot #13
2011 World Record
1818.5 Bryson 2011 (1404.4 Bryson x 1618 Brsyon)
2@1100lbs, 1@1200lbs, 2@1300lbs,
Name: Jonas K. Bid: $55
Lot #14
Canadian Classics
1059.6 Vincent-McGill 2009 (993 Vincent-McGill x 904 Stelts)
993.2 Vincent-McGill 2008 (772.2 Poirier x 998.6 Pukos)
513.5 Vincent 2010 (1059.6 Vincent-McGill x 1161 Rodonis)
1142 Van Kooten 2004 (1066 Vezzolo x 1367.5 Rose)
2@1200lbs, 1@1500lbs
Name: Pierre R.
Bid: $100
Lot #15
More Vincent-McGill
1250 Vincent-McGill 2009 (1156 Hunt '08 x 998.6 Pukos '06)
1127 Vincent-McGill 2009 (998.6 Pukos '06 x
904 Stelts '06)
1339.5 Vincent-McGill 2009 (904 Stelts '06 x 998.6 Pukos '06)
Name: Turijan L.
Bid: $20
Lot #16
2012 World Record!
2009 Wallace 2012 (1725 Harp '09 x 1409 Miller '10)
Name: Ross M.
Bid: $220
Lot #17
The Pleasure Dome
1872 Wallace 2012 (1789 est Wallace
'11 x 1807 Stelts '11)
Name:Brent T.
Bid: $100
Lot #18
Heavenly Harps
1316 Harp 2009 (985 Werner '06 x 1385.5 Jutras '07)
1236 Harp 2009
(998.6 Pukos '06 x 1385.5 Jutras '07)
2@1000lbs, 3@1100lbs, 2@1200lbs,
1@1300lbs, 2@1400lbs
Name: Gary V.
Bid: $45
Lot #19
Rolling in Reviers
1579 Revier 2009 (1161 Rodonis '07 x 1500.5
Revier '08)
2@1100lbs, 1@1400lbs
1544.5 Revier 2009 (1385 Jutras '07 x 1161 Rodonis '07)
8@1000lbs, 2@1100lbs, 4@1300lbs, 1@1500lbs
1500.5 Revier 2008 (985 Werner '06 x 1207 Young '07)
2@1300lbs, 1@1500lbs
1367.5 Revier 2010 (1161 Rodonis '07 x
1544.5 Revier '09)
Name: Gary V.
Bid: $45
Lot #20
Mother/Daughter Reunion
1107 P. Sweet 2011 (1677.5 Hunt x 1634
1509.5 P. Sweet 2012 (1107 P. Sweet x 1789 Wallace)
Name: George D.
Bid: $20
Lot #21
Daddy of the First One Ton
Miller 2010 (1622 Young x 1658 Young)
4@1000lbs, 3@1100lbs, 3@1200lbs, 2@1300lbs
4@1400lbs, 3@1500lbs, 1@1600lbs
Name: Ross M.
Bid: $70
Lot #22
Mother of the Pleasure Dome
1789 Wallace 2011 (1725 Harp x 1810.5 Stevens)
1@1000lbs, 3@1100lbs, 2@1300lbs, 1@1400lbs,
1@1500lbs, 1@1600lbs, 1@1700lbs, 1@1800lbs
Name: Rusty O.
Bid: $125
1404 Bryson 2010 (1288 Wallace x 1421 Stelts)
3@1000lbs, 2@1100lbs, 3@1300lbs, 2@1400lbs
1723 Marshall 2011 (1634 Werner x self)
1@1100lbs, 1@1200lbs, 1@1300lbs, 1@1500lbs
Jim C.
Lot #24
1381 Checkon
2010 (1288 Wallace x 1161 Rodonis)
4@1000lbs, 2@1100lbs, 2@1200lbs, 1@1300lbs,
2@1400lbs, 1@1500lbs, 3@1600lbs
Name: Jan
Bid: $55
Lot #25
Mother/Daughter Rodonis
1566 Rodonis 2007 (1450
Wallace x 1231 Pukos)
10@1000lbs, 8@1100lbs, 8@1200lbs, 4@1300lbs
4@1400lbs, 2@1500lbs, 1@1600lbs
1471 Rodonis
2009 (1566 Rodonis x 1385 Jutras)
Name: Rusty
Bid: $75
Lot #26
out of his Gourd
3 lots
1/8" Young 2012 (124" Young x self) - VT state record
2nd longest
GPC gourd grown in 2012
1/2" Young 2011 (127 1/4" Jutras x self)
Young 2011 (127 1/4" Jutras x self)
7/8" Young 2012 (124" Young x self)
1/4" Young 2012 (124" Young x self)
Matt W.
Dave M.
Bid: $25
Turijan L.
Bid: $25
Lot #27
Orange Lovers
2 lots
1126 Keim 2010 (887 Keim x 1378.5 Pitura)
1103 Young 2011 (1059 Vincent-McGill x 1131
1000.5 Gansert 2011 (827 Gansert x 1059 Vincent-McGill)
840 Young 2012 (777 Young x 1059 Vincent-McGill)
990.5 Young 2012 (1103 Young x 1059 Vincent-McGill)
777 Young 2011 (993 Vincent-McGill x
1059 Vincent-McGill)
912 Minor 2011 (1059 Vincent-McGill x 1250 Kline)
562 Minor 2011 (1250 Kline x 1059 Vincent-McGill)
627.5 Young 2012 (1304 Sperry x
1103 Young)
617 Young est dmg 2012(1059 Vincent McGill x 777 Young)
Lot 1
Name: Chris J.
Bid: $45
Name: Jose A.
Bid: $40
Lot #28
Leonardo Urena 2012
1351 Urena 2012 dmg (991 Urena x 1404 Bryson)
1280 Urena 2012 dmg (1495 Stelts x 1404 Bryson)
808 Urena 2012 (1725 Harp x 991 Urena)
Lot 1
Name: Lewis M.
Bid: $25
Lot 2
Name: Thomas G.
Bid: $20
Lot #29
Urena Crosses
1704 Urena 2011 (991 Urena x 1468 Stevens)
1560 Urena 2011 (1303 Sweet x 991 Urena)
1@1100lbs, 1@1200lbs
1401 Urena 2010 (991 Urena x 901 Hunt)
1131 Urena 2011 (991 Urena x 1161 Rodonis)
Name: Augusto S.
Bid: $40
Lot #30
Leonardo's Gourdalicious Lot
123" Long Gourd Urena 2012 (116.62" Martin x self)3 seeds
193 lb Pelota Gourd Urena 2012 (159 Urena x open)3 seeds
159 lb Pelota Gourd Urena 2011 (unknown x open)2 seeds
140 lb Giant Pear
Gourd Urena 2012? (unknown x open)4 seeds
Name: Ross M.
Bid: $45
Lot #31
Mr. Sproule's Great Crosses
1522 Sproule 2012 (1818.5 Bryson x 1807 Stelts)
1233.5 Sproule 2012 (1495 Stelts x 1404 Bryson)
1650.8 Sproule 2011 (1421.5 Stelts x 1185 Kline)
1@1000lbs, 2@1100lbs
1312 Sproule 2011 (1185 Kline x 1468.5 Stevens)
1294 Sproule 2011 (1468.5 Stevens x 1185 Kline)
Name: Daniel F.
Bid: $35
Lot #32
World Record Long Gourd and more
137 3/4" Wright 2012 (108 3/4 Eaton x 116 3/4 Wright)
116 3/8" Wright 2012 (116 3/4 Wright x 108 3/4 Eaton)
116 3/4" Wright 2011 (134 1/4 Johnston/Butler x 98 5/8 Wright)
115 1/8" Wright 2011 (134 1/4 Johnston/Butler
x self)
104 5/8" Wright 2011 (134 1/4 Johnston/Butler x 98 5/8 Wright)
98 5/8" Wright 2009 (98 Gipe x self)
Gary V.
Lot #33
Bryson Sweet Crosses
1456 Bryson 2012 (1404 Bryson x 1495 Stelts)
1314 est. Bryson 2012 (1818.5 Bryson x 1807 Stelts)
1657.5 Bryson 2011 (1725 Harp x 1468.5 Stevens)
1 @ 1100lbs
Name: Paolo E.
Bid: $55
Lot #34
Bryson Three Generations
Grandmother, mother and daughter
1753 Bryson 2012 (1382 Bryson x 1647 Wallace)
1382 est. Dmg Bryson 2011 (1419.4 Bryson x 1725 Harp)
1@1100lbs, 1@1700lbs
1419.4 Bryson 2010 (985 Werner x 1421.5 Stelts)
Name: Dave W.
Bid: $50
Lot #35
Thad's Starr Harp
2 lots
1775 Starr 2012 (1725 Harp x self)
Can't get a 1725 Harp, this is the next best thing.
1725 Harp has grown:
9@1000lbs, 4@1100lbs, 2@1200lbs, 1@1300lbs
6@1400lbs, 2@1500lbs, 7@1600lbs, 2@1700lbs
and 1@2000lbs!
Lot 1
Name: Michael H.
Bid: $85
Lot 2
Name: Ross M.
Bid: $85
Lot #36
Young Wallace
1333 Young 2009 (1483 Werner x 1288 Wallace)
1@1000 lbs, 1@1100 lbs, 1@1300 lbs
1347 Wallace 2006 (1068 Wallace x 1370 Rose)
2@1000 lbs, 2@1100 lbs, 1@1200 lbs
Name: Brian C.
Bid: $15
Lot #37
1500 club
1508 dmg Breznick 2011 (1488 Marsh x
1622 Young)
1528 Starr 2008 (1350.5 Starr x 1041.5
1@1000lbs, 2@1200 lbs, 2@1400 lbs
1581 Ghaye 2011 (1207 Young x 1344
Name: Jonas K.
Bid: $25
Lot #38
Fun with Field kins
117 uow P Sweet 2012 (81 Wolf x 150.5 Razo)
104.5 uow P Sweet 2012 (162 MacKinnon x open)
103 uow MacKinnon 2011 (145 Mcinnis x 81 Wolf)
91 P Sweet 2012 (81 Wolf x 162 MacKinnon)
85 Starr 2009 (88.5 Leland x Phat Jack)
85 Stromback 2010
76 Horton 2011 (76.2 MacKenzie x open)
54 Lovelace 2010 (54 Van Hook x 101 Meier)
54 Van Hook 2009 (88.5 Leland x sib)
51.5 Beachy 2010 (137 Orr x self)
45 Van Hook 2009 (Phat Jack x self)
Name: Todd E.
Bid: $40
Lot #39
VGPGA seed pack
Twenty packs will be available for $25 each.
1556.5 Companion 2012 (1596 Wallace x 1286 Daletas)
NEW Vermont State Record!
1265 Companion 2012 (1286 Daletas x 1596 Wallace)
1330.5 Keys 2012
(1421 Boyce x 1508 Breznick)
1386 Horton 2012 (1789 est Wallace x self)
1271 Horton 2012 (1377 Wallace x self)
1114 Horton 2012 (1486 Jarvis x self)
1002 Horton 2012 (1334 Daletas x 1789 est Wallace)
908 Horton 2012 (Squash) (800 Neilly x 1486 Jarvis)
1126 Gansert 2012 (859 Gansert x 1103 Young)
960.5 Gansert 2012 (723 Kaczenski x 859 Gansert)
HD winner at Topsfield
963.5 Gansert 2012 (1059 Vincent-McGill x 1210 Van Hook)
HD winner at Frerich Farm
990.5 Young 2012 (1103 Young x 1059 Vincent-McGill)
840 Young 2012 (777 Young x 1059 Vincent-McGill)
1015.5 Cole 2012 (1421.5 Stelts x 1634 Werner)
HD winner at Vermont
841.5 Stromback 2012 (1421 Boyce x 1508 Breznick)
827.5 Squires 2012 (1245 Gunns x 1081 Boyce)
912 Minor 2011 (1059 Vincent-McGill x 1250 Kline
562 Minor 2011 (1250 Kline x 1059 Vincent-McGill
Watermelon - 124 Cole 2011 (66 Cadiux x sib)
Vermont State Record
Field Pumpkin - 92.5 Cole 2012 (69.5 Cole x 75 Stromback)
Tomato - 3.98 Cole 2012 (7.18 Harp x open)
Cost $25 - still have three left if anyone is interested we would still sell
Purchased: (1) Brian C. (1) Michael H. (1) Ken K. (1) Brent C. (1) Jim E. (1) Steve M.
(1) Lewis M. (1) Gary V. (1) Daniel F. (1) Randy S. (1) Josef S. (1) Jim S. (1) Curt S. (1) Chris J. (1) Brent
T. (1) Michael H. (1) Aaron S.
Special Auction Item!
Lot #40
Lifting Ring
This swivel lifting ring is rated for up to 2600 lbs (that should cover most of us for
awhile). It was built by one of our members who had supplied these same rings for a commerial account (they
sold for $195). He says this is the last one of it's kind but you can get it here, the swivel feature is unique,
straps included. Auction price does not include shipping (figure another $10-$20 to ship).
Name: Brian C.
Bid: $160

Bidding Instructions:
1. Submit a bid with the bidding box below, be sure to fill out form completely. If you don't
see your bid show up after a couple hours or if the Tripod server is having issues you can send an email to vermontgpg@hotmail.com stating your name, lot # and bid.
2. All bids must be $5 or greater increments per bid
3. Some lots are offered in multiples, as indicated. Each lot with multiples will allow the high bidder to take
the first lot and have the option to take as many of the others in that lot as they choose. The second high bidder will then
be responsible for the next lot, and have the option of taking as many remaining lots as they desire. The third high bidder
will be responsible for the purchase of the final lot if the two higher bidders do not opt to take it.
4. Payment for seeds must be made via PayPal, money order or check (we will ship seeds when the check
has cleared). If paying by check or money order we will send you details at the end of the auction for where
to send it to.
5. All seeds are in excellent condition but VGPGA will not be responsible for germination issues.
Offspring listed to the best of our ability but may not be complete nor can it be guarenteed.
6. VGPGA will be emailing all highest bidders at the end of the Silent Auction (this may take up to 1 hour)
to discuss additional information, and decisions regarding multiple lots. If we cannot make contact within 72 hours with the
highest bidder we will need to contact the next bidder on the list.
7. We will be updating the bids a few times a day so keep a close eye on that seed you want!
Please feel email us at vermontgpg@hotmail.com for any additional information.
Happy Bidding!!!!
John Young (VGPGA President)
Steve Minor (Auction organizer)
Terry Keim (Webmaster)
All bids start at $0.00, there is no starting bid set. Just put what you would like to bid.
Please Use the bidding box below to submit your bids to the VGPGA Auction.